How to recover Google account

Steps to Recover Google Account

With the Google Account, a customer can access the Google products like Google Docs, Google Drive, Google photos, Gmail, Google Docs. One account on Google lets you access all of Google.

But if you are attempting to log into your account, and you are unable to access it, your access has been denied. There could be many reasons like :

Caps lock key is on/off at wrong place. For this, you need to pay attention and retry, if you don’t use the caps lock at all, then, check if the Caps lock is off while you enter the password. But, if you have used the Caps lock, then, you need to pay attention that you use it at exact place.

Someone has hacked into your account and has changed the password.

You are attempting the wrong password.

Then, you need to recover your account, to recover the account, go through following steps:

Open your browser.

In the search bar of browser, type Google account recovery.

Click on the search result that has option like account recovery, account support, recover account and sign-in.

Enter the Email ID of the account that you need to recover and click Next.

On the next page, you can see the option “Enter the last password you remember using with this account, then, click Next.

However, if you are unable to recall the password, then, click on “Try Another Way”.

If you had set the phone number as recovery option, then it will ask you to enter the phone number.

If you have the phone number, enter the number and click Send.

Clicking Send will send the code on the number which you need to enter in the space provided.

If you don’t have the phone, then, click on “I don’t have my phone “.

The account recovery page will ask you multiple options, click on “Try Another Way” until you get the option that you can use to recover your account.

Account recovery page has also included the option if you have recently created an Email ID, then, you can enter the Email ID and click Next.

Google sends a link to the newly made Email ID of yours.

Open your Email ID.

Click on the link, then, it directs you to the page to reset your account.

Enter the new password.

Log out and log in again by entering the new password.

Your account has been recovered.

You can also contact
Google Customer Service if you have any kind of query or needed any kind of help.